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Answers with Tag: clothing

I understand that one should not obey their parents if they say to trim the beard under a fist because it is wajib to have the beard. However, what if they tell you not to do things that are sunnah, i.e.: don’t wear kuffi, don’t wear Islamic clothing, etc?

The Tablighi Brothers say that every Muslim must have Kurta and Beard. I know that there is no such thing.. That beard is sunnah, and Kurta doesn’t make me to a Muslim, The Imaan and believing make us to Muslims. And they say its Haram for a men to wear red clothing. Please tell me the correct view in Islam.

I love sunnah and want to do it fully but find it difficult- please tell me about sunnah of clothing, especially importance of amamah. why don’t imams of Haram in Saudi wear amamah and sunnah?

With reference to your answer for Q529, don’t understand the logic behind why we shouldn’t wear half sleeves. The Prophet s.a.w.s. never mentioned anything about it, nor does the Quran prohibit it. So, who are we to make it Makruh on ourselves?

My question is regarding women’s clothing. What kind of clothes can she wear in the house?

To wear half sleeves makruh ?

I cant stop watching TV ? Please advise..

Concept of Wearing Hijab

Divorce & Alimony Questions

Dissolution of Marriage

How should the clothes of a Muslim be according to the Quran and Sunnat?

Is it obligatory to partake in the meat of the slaughtered animal?

Do I need to make ghusl after waking up and finding wetness on my clothing?

Is Wearing niqab farz?

Islamic Ruling on Paying Expiation Money to Cancer Patients