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Answers with Tag: Abu Huraira

Is it permissible to become a pro boxer so I can pray my Salah on time?

I want my mother to forgive us if we had hurt her

Authenticity of Hadith compilations

1. Is Salah accepted with a T¬-shirt? 2. Proof of Awwabeen Salah

Using interest for construction of toilets for the Masjid

If you’re not an Islamaphobe, are you a still considered a kafir (Disbeliever)?

What should one do with clothing with animate objects? Please clarify the Hadith of angels not entering the home with pictures in it? Can we accept greetings on non-Islamic festivals and practices?

Can you prove that seeking forgiveness [istighfar] and conveying reward of deeds is an established practice and not a bi’dah?

Waswasa: Origin and Differentiating Eemaan from Sihr

Wife giving Sadaqah from the husbands wealth without his permission

The person that is most capable should lead the Salaah

Correcting and Referencing Ahadith on Fasting and Character Perfection

Thinking of doing a secret nikah

Praying salah with pubic hair longer than 40 days

Salah behind an Imam whose garments are below his ankles