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Mistakes in the Optional Surah

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Hamza Karamali, SunniPath Academy Teacher

What are the ramifications of making an accidental mistake (in the tashkeel, missing a verse, etc.) in reciting the sunnah additional sura (after al-fatiha) in a raka of prayer? Does this just invalidate the sunnah act or does it have greater consequences because it is in regards to the quran?

Does it make a difference in the type of error?

What do you do if you realize in a later raka or after finishing that you have made a mistake in the additional sura? Redo the raka or entire prayer?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين و صلى الله على سيدنا محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم

أما بعد

Recitation Mistakes

There are two types of recitation mistakes (lahn):

(a) A mistake that does not alter the meaning of the verse, e.g. saying,

qul huwa Allahi ahad قُلْ هُوَ اللهِ أَحَدٌ

instead of

qul huwa Allahu ahad قُلْ هُوَ اللهُ أَحَدٌ

Changing the vowel at the end of the word “Allah” from a damma to a kasra is a mistake, but it does not alter the meaning of the verse.

(b) A mistake that alters the meaning of the verse; e.g. saying,

kul huwa Allahu ahad كُلْ هُوَ اللهُ أَحَدٌ

instead of

qul huwa Allahu ahad قُلْ هُوَ اللهُ أَحَدٌ

Saying kul with the letter kaf instead of the letter qaf alters the meaning of the verse, since the original qul is the imperative verb that means ‘say’ whereas kul is the imperative verb that means ‘eat’.

The first type of recitation mistake does not affect the validity of one’s prayer, but it is forbidden (haram) to recite in such a manner if one knows that it is a mistake and still deliberately recites incorrectly.

The second type of recitation mistake invalidates one’s prayer if:

1. one knows it is a recitation mistake, and

2. one is able to learn how to recite correctly but neglects doing so, and

3. one deliberately recites incorrectly.


1. (non-1 above) one does not know that it is a recitation mistake, or

2. (non-2 above) if one is unable to recite correctly, or

3. (non-3 above) if one forgetfully commits the mistake,

then it does not invalidate one’s prayer.

An Important Note

If one knows that one will make a recitation mistake in a particular verse that one intends to recite after the fatiha, it is forbidden to recite that verse during the prayer, even if one commits the mistake because of inability to recite correctly (although in this last case, the unlawful act of incorrect recitation will not invalidate the prayer). Imam al-Jurdani (Allah have mercy on him) explains, “It is unlawful for someone who makes recitation mistakes to recite anything he makes recitation mistakes in other than the fatiha, even if he is unable to recite correctly, since he is unnecessarily uttering something other than the Qur’an [h: during the prayer].” (Fath al-‘Allam, 2.446)

As for the fatiha, one must recite it in its entirety, even if is unable to recite it without making recitation mistakes.

Finally, note that missing a verse (from other than the fatiha) is not considered a “mistake” and doing so does not affect the validity of one’s prayer.


Al-Jurdani, Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Fath al-Allam bisharh Murshid Al-Anam. 4 vols. 1408/1988. Reprint. Cairo: Dar as-Salam.

(Navigation Tip: Bab Al-Jama’ah fi Al-Salah/ Matlab fi Hukm Al-Lahn fi Al-Surah)

Allah the Exalted knows best and He alone gives success.

Hamza Karamali

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