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RE: Chronic Discharge

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Hamza Karamali, SunniPath Academy Teacher

Does this mean that for sisters who know that they can make wudu’ and pray without having any discharge within that short period of time (say 10 minutes), that they are not in chronic annulment of their purity. But what if they make wudu at home and then they are out and about and by the time they pray (an hour after wudu for example) they will most likely (60% more of the time) have had something exit. Or does the discharge have to be within the short time span that is needed to make wudu and pray? I’m confused.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate

wa `alaykum as salam wa rahmatullah

Yes, if you are able to perform wudu and pray a minimal prayer without having any discharge, you are not considered to be someone with chronic annulment of ablution. This means that every time the discharge exits, your ablution will be invalidated and you will have to perform a fresh ablution in order to pray. If you are out and about, you would have to take any necessary measures to ensure that you are able to perform your prayer. This may mean being close to a friend’s house at prayer time or close to a location where it is possible to perform ablution. An important point to note is that if the discharge is impure, then you would also have to purify yourself from it before praying.

The ruling of the Hanafi school may be slightly easier to follow. See:

Female Discharge & Wudu 

And Allah knows best.



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