Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Qibla.com » At my work it is extremely noisy to the point where one can suffer hearing loss, therefore it is extremely recommended to wear ear plug-ins that one inserts into the ear canal to protect ones hearing. I know that cleaning ones ear with a q-tip or a stick will invalidate the fast, so does that ruling apply to ear plug-ins?

At my work it is extremely noisy to the point where one can suffer hearing loss, therefore it is extremely recommended to wear ear plug-ins that one inserts into the ear canal to protect ones hearing. I know that cleaning ones ear with a q-tip or a stick will invalidate the fast, so does that ruling apply to ear plug-ins?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Hamza Karamali, SunniPath Academy Teacher

At my work it is extremely noisy to the point where one can suffer hearing loss, therefore it is extremely recommended to wear ear plug-ins that one inserts into the ear canal to protect ones hearing. I know that cleaning ones ear with a q-tip or a stick will invalidate the fast, so does that ruling apply to ear plug-ins?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate

According to the strongest position (asahh) in the Shafi`i school, inserting something into the ear canal beyond what can be seen of it when someone looks into it from the side will break the fast. Using earplugs will therefore normally invalidate one’s fast.

You should talk to your employer to see if you can come to some alternative work arrangement whereby you don’t risk hearing loss by not wearing earplugs. If this is not possible, and it’s difficult to find employment elsewhere, then you may follow another position in the school that holds that inserting something into the ear canal does not invalidate one’s fast. Although this position is not the strongest position of the school, it is strong enough to be followed for one’s personal practice.

And Allah knows best.


References: Bushra al-Karim, Fath al-`Allam, Kanz al-Raghibin.

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