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Is it permissible for one fasting to chew on gum?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Is it permissible for one fasting to chew on gum?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

If a substance separates from the gum such that it mixes with the saliva and reaches the body cavity, then it is haram and it invalidates the fast.

However, if it is merely chewing it and no substances reaches the body cavity, then it is permissible but disliked, because it makes one thirsty, and because some have said that it invalidates the fast, as it was indicated in the Tuhfa of Ibn Hajar, (3:425).

Amjad Rasheed

[Translated by Sr. Shazia Ahmad]

السؤال : هل يجوز للصائم مضغُ العلك ؟ الجواب : إن كان ينفصل عن العلك عينٌ تخالط الريق فتصل إلى الجوف فهو حرامٌ مبطلٌ للصوم ، أما إن كان مجردَ مضغ لا يصل منه عينٌ إلى الجوف فهو جائز لكنه مكروه لأنه يعطش ولأن بعضهم قال: إنه مفطر ، كما أشار إليه في “التحفة” (3/425) .


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