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Are watches worn by men considered an adornment? Is one’s intention of any significance?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Are watches worn by men considered an adornment? Is one’s intention of any significance?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Wearing a watch is permissible for men as long as it is not made of gold or silver, in which case it becomes unlawful. As for watches plated with gold or silver, if the coating is so slight that if fire were applied, nothing of the coating would flow, then it is permissible to wear. If the plating is more than that, then it is not permissible to wear such watches.

Amjad Rasheed

(Translated by Sister Lida Kahi)

السؤال: هل يعتبر لبس الساعة زينة للرجُل ؟ هل تدخل فيه النية ؟ الجواب : لُبس الساعة مباحٌ للرجل ما لم تكن معمولة من ذهب أو فضة فتحرم ، وما كان مطلياً بالذهب أو الفضة فإن كان الطلاءُ قليلاً بحيث لو عرضت الساعة المطلية على النار لما سال شيءٌ من الطلاء فيجوز لبسها للرجل وإلا فلا .

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