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Taking back charity money

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed
Translated by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

I gave someone money so that he could give it to someone needy on my behalf, but then later on, I needed that money. Is it permissible for me to ask for it back if he has not given it to the needy person yet?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Yes, you have the right to ask for your money back if it has not yet been given to the needy person. This is because your money is still in his possession.

Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, the erudite scholar, said in al-Inaqah fima ja’a fi al-sadaqah wa al-diyafah. In the 28th benefit, that “He who gives something to his agent, child, servant or someone else to give to a person who is asking for it in the form of voluntary charity, and that [middle] person has not yet given it, the wealth still belongs to the first one who gave it until the recipient actually receives it. And if the specified person who was supposed to receive it does not take it, then it is recommended for him not to merely take it back, but to give it to someone else. However, if he takes it back for himself and spends it, that is permissible, because the money belonged to him the whole time.”

السؤال: أعطيتُ شخصاً مالاً ليتصدق به عني على فقير، ولكني احتجتُ هذا المال بعد ذلك فهل لي أن أسترده قبل أن يدفعه إلى الفقير؟
الجواب: نعم لك أن تستردَّ مالَكَ إذا لم يقبضه الفقير؛ لأن ملكك لم يزل عنه بعدُ، قال العلامة ابن حجر الهيتمي في “الإنافة فيما جاء في الصدقة والضيافة”
في الفائدة الثامنة والعشرين:” مَن دفع إلى وكيله أو ولده أو غلامه أو غيرهم شيئاً ليعطيه سائلاً أو غيره صدقةَ تطوع لم يزُل ملكُه عنه حتى يقبضه المبعوث إليه؛ فإن لم يتفق دفعُه إلى ذلك المعين استحبَّ له أن لا يعودَ فيه بل يتصدق على غيره، فإن استردَّه وتصرف فيه جاز؛ لأنه باقٍ على ملكه “. اهـ

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