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Giving non-Muslims impermissible foods and interest

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Is it permissible to give foods to non-Muslims which are not halal for Muslims to eat, such as foods that contain pork derivatives? What about giving them interest accrued in a bank account?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It is not permissible for a Muslim to give a non-Muslim that which is not halal for Muslims to eat, such as pork, or something that contains its fat, or its parts and other things that are haram. This is because it is considered assisting them in disobedience, and is similar to what our imams have mentioned about the impermissibility of giving food to a non-Muslim during the day of Ramadan, because of what was mentioned about assisting them in disobedience.

As for giving them interest from a bank, i.e. haram interest, if the questioner means, “What is the ruling of a Muslim doing transactions with a non-Muslim that involve interest?”, then the answer is that it is not permissible, because interest, in the same way that it is haram between Muslims, is also haram between a Muslim and a non-Muslim and it is an enormity. So whoever gives a non-Muslim interest, then he has made a contract with them that is invalid and forming invalid contracts is haram. By this, he has assisted the non-Muslim in disobedience, as we mentioned.

If the questioner means by giving him interest, that the Muslim had made a contract involving interest and he took the interest and now wants to get rid it, can he give it to non-Muslim? Then the answer is, this is also not permissible, because the default in contracts involving interest is that each party is supposed the return the money to its rightful owner, because an invalid contract cannot result in another person owning the interest. So if this money is not returned to the owner, then it has no owner and is considered lost money, according to the jurisprudents. And this [s. lost] money is supposed to be spent for benefit of the Muslims and it is not permissible to spend it on a non-Muslim.

And one should know that just because a Muslim does not keep the interest, it does not mean that he is safe from haram, for he still made an invalid contract involving interest.

السؤال: هل يجوز أن نُعطيَ غيرَ المسلمين ما لا يحل أكلُه من قِبَل المسلمين كالفائدة البنكية والمأكولات التي تحتوي على منتجات الخنـزير ؟

الجواب : لا يجوز للمسلم إعطاءُ كافر ما لا يجوز أكلُه كلحم الخنـزير وما دخله شيءٌ من شحمه وأجزائه وغير ذلك من المحرمات ؛ لأن ذلك إعانةٌ لهم على المعصية نظير ما ذكره أئمتُنا من أنه لا يجوز لمسلم إطعامُ كافر في نهار رمضان لما ذُكِرَ من الإعانة على المعصية .
وأما أعطاؤهم الفائدةَ البنكية أي : الربوية ؛ فإن كان مراد السائل ما حكم تعامل المسلم مع الكافر بعقد ربوي فالجواب : أنه لا يجوز ؛ لأن الربا كما يحرمُ بين المسلم والمسلم ، يحرم بين المسلم والكافر وهو من جملة الكبائر ؛ فمن أعطى الكافرَ فائدةً ربوية فقد عاقده بعقدٍ فاسدٍ وتعاطي العقود الفاسدة حرامٌ ، وهو بذلك يكون قد أعان الكافر على المعصية أيضاً كما مرَّ .
وإن كان مرادُه بإعطائه الفائدةَ البنكيةَ : أن المسلم الذي كان قد تعامل بالعقد الربوي وأخذ الفائدة وهو الآن يريد التخلص من الفائدة الربوية فهل له أن يعطيها للكافر ؟ فالجواب: أيضاً أنه لا يجوز ؛ لأن الأصلَ في العقود الربوية أن يَردَّ كلُّ واحد من المتعاقدين المال إلى صاحبه ؛ لأن العقد الباطل لا يترتب عليه الملك ، فإن لم يمكن ردُّ ذلك فيصير المال لا مالك له فهو حينئذ من جملة الأموال الضائعة عند الفقهاء ، وهذه الأموال يجب صرفها في مصالح المسلمين ولا يجوز صرفها إلى الكفار ، وليُعلم أن عدم أخذ المسلم للفائدة الربوية لا يخرجه من الحرام بتعامله بالعقود الربوية .

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