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I’m an African-American Muslim. I don’t want to marry a woman from my own people because they

Made Mistakes With Brother in College

I’m stuck in sin…

Asailamalaikum-Insha Allah(subhanawa tala) hope ur in gud health and imanIm 15 years of age and i missed 3-4 years of salahastagfirullah and insha Allah(subhana wa tala) im am going to read Salah,so i have to make up for my missed salah so lyk e.g if im readin fajr salah how do i make up for my missed fajr salahs also along with other four?and i have a lot of salah to make up so what should i do?thank you for ur help and knowledgeMay Allah(subhana wa ta la)reward you also have mercy on you and forgive you and all the believers!!AmeenWalkumsalam

Is It Haram For Women To Wear Make-up And Kohl?    

I’m interested in studying law but I’m not sure if it’s the best career for a Muslim (or furthermore, a Muslim woman) to pursue because of the opportunities of corruption that are so often presented. There are different fields of law that one can pursue and I’m interested in a few different ones, like personal injury law, but I’m not sure if it’s a bad arena to practice. What position does Islam hold on this?

Should I change my name to a Muslim name?

Non-Muslims Wearing Hijab  

What is the proper gender-interaction in Islam?

Platonic Friendships?


Justification of homosexuality by some Muslims

Good Hijab, Bad Hijab?    

Realising error in haram relationship and wanting to repent

Teaching Sensitive Topics To Children