Q. Is it compulsory (Waajib) for a person to make Qurbani if she/he has debts, for e.g, credit card debts and over draft payments?
A. Udhiyyah/Qurbani is Waajib (compulsory) on every mature Muslim Muqeem (non-Shari’ traveler) person who is the owner of the Zakaat Nisaab during the days of Eid – 10th, 11th and 12th of Zul-Hijjah. (Al-Iktiyaar Li-Ta’leelil Mukhtaar 5/16)
In the enquired case, if you fulfil the above criteria and you are the owner of the Zakaat Nisaab during the days of Eid which is over and above your debts, credit card payments etc. then Udhiyyah/Qurbani remians Waajib (compulsory) upon you despite having debts. However, if you do not own the Zakaat Nisaab after deducting your debts, credit card payments etc., then Udhiyyah/Qurbani will not be Waajib (compulsory) upon you. (Shaami 6/312)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa