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How to increase the fear of Allah

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Tafseer Raheemi

Question: How does a person increase in fear of Allah?

Answer: mashallah!! Very good question from a 15 year old boy. May Allah increase your level of taqwa and make others like you.

To increase Allah’s khawf, we need to remember Him at all times. When we are closer to Him we fear Him more. Pray your salah with punctuality. Read as much Quran as you can. Read stories of those who feared Allah at all times and never disobeyed Allah for a blink of an eye.

Read the seventy beautiful stories towards the end of the beautiful book ‘Fadhaile Sadaqaat’

There is a story of bahlol who saw some children playing while one child was crying. He approached the boy and asked him if he could buy him something to play with. The boy stopped crying and said “we have not been created to play” “Then what is the purpose of our creation?” asked bahlol.

The boy recited the closing verse of surah mu’minoon, “Do you deem that we have created you (all) for nought, and that you will not be coming back to us. Lofty is Allah The King The Truth. There is none worthy of worship besides Him, The owner of the arsh, The kareem”

Bahlol asked “Why are you crying and why do you fear Allah so much when you are only a child who’s sins are not even recorded? He said ” I have seen my mother lighting the fire. She puts the twigs first before putting in the logs, so I am scared that on the day of judgement when Allah lights the fire of jahannam he could throw me in first” then he recited some couplets, upon hearing them bahlol fainted. When he came back to his senses, the boy had disappeared, he asked the others who was that boy and they said he was a great grandson of Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

Lastly, get bay’at to a good sheikh and stay in the company of the pious.

This answer was collected from Tafseer-Raheemi.com the official website of Sheikh Abdul Raheem Limbada (Hafizahullah) of UK.

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