Subject: zaakat
hope u r well and in best of health
Zakaat masala
when someone has borrowed from you, you still give zakaat on it
either you pay zakaat on it every year or you wait till you get the money back from the person then the years inbetween you give the zakaat i.e if u got money after 5 years then 5 years worth of zakaak you will pay. (please just double check this)
Now A tried explaining this maslah to B, however B couldn’t understand how they have to pay zakaat when they don’t have the money with them, they don’t understand and not preparing to either.
Islamic channel and other channels brain wash the awwam as B said that they heard off the television that you don’t need to give zakaat in this situation B now is asking for daleels they claim that the scholar of the television quoted hadeeths and quraan where are yours?
This is very comman and worrying i don’t know the dalees etc
for this maslah as a one off could you explain this to me with dalail.
In madrassa ‘s in kitaabs in the baabs of zakaat we don’t learn any off this which kitaabs do the iftaa ulma use . i recently got faariq and i have had a comment that oh you don’t get taught this and this maslahs your ment to know you don’t get taught. In madrasa we didn’t get taught much zakaat and wiraathat. I want to increase in my knowledge
Another commemt i got was people like farhat haashami well known and all her tafseer on the internet they said our hanifi scholors should do the same
it would be good though if our ulamaa did do quraan word to word with tafseer and put on internet.
Please reply as soon as i am getting faced with this ahle hadeeth stuff since thaalitha and kinda like fail each time.
May allah accept your efforts give you a long life so that you can carry on with daras and tadrees and serving the umma
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Walaikumussalam w w
Zakaat literally means to purify and to grow. When a person pays the Zakah and spends in the path of Allah, his wealth does not decrease. Allah S.W.T purifies his wealth and grants Barakah and blessings in that wealth. Allah Ta’ala says in a Hadith Qudsi, “Spend O son of Adam, I will spend on you.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
The Fuqaha have stated that the condition for Zakaat to become obligatory upon a person is that a person owns the amount of Nisaab in gold, silver, or the equivalent in cash, or in business merchandise, which is free from debt, and more than his essential needs. When a person owns the amount of Nisaab, then after one year passes and the person is still the owner for Nisaab, it becomes obligatory upon him to take out 2.5% Zakaah on the wealth he owns.
Now, when calculating his Zakaat, he will subtract that money which he owes other people from the total. The reason for this, is that essentially, that money is not his. It belongs to someone else. Yes, he has the right to use that money how he wishes, but he must try his hardest to pay his debt off as quick as he can.
Now as for that money which one has lent to someone else, the Fuqaha have stated that its Zakaat will be waajib on the lender i.e. the owner of the money and not the person who the money is lent to. However he will only pay Zakaah of that money after he receives his loan back. For example, if Zaid lends Hamid $500, and Zayd pays him back after five years, then Zaid will now pay 2.5% of $500 for those five years, each year would equate to $12.50, multiplied by 5, which equals $62.50.
The reason for this is that Zakaat is waajib on all the wealth which you have ownership of, and in essence, the money you lend somebody is still your ownership. You can ask for that money back whenever you want. The same way if Zayd lends Hamid a pen, Hamid will never say that this is my pen, but he will say it is Zayd’s pen.
This ruling is not only in the Hanafi school of Fiqh but also the Shafi, Hanbali, and Maliki schools of fiqh. We should accept the rulings of the Fuqaha without trying to understand everything through our intellect. The Fuqaha were closer to the time of The Messenger of Allah (May peace and blessings be upon him) and understood the Shariah more than we ever can and Islam is the name of submission to the will of Allah Ta’ala even though we might not be able to comprehend the wisdom behind it.
Many of those people who host programs on T.V are non-scholars who claim to be scholars. They have no expertise of Quraan, Hadith, or Fiqh. We should take masaail only from those scholars who have studied under great Ulema who abide to one of the four Mazaahib and not from self-made Ulema who issue rulings without any principals. They may be claiming to quote Hadith but they will be repeating the same words for different answers. Therefore, just explain the mas’ala to the Awaam and don’t do too much magazmaari.
And Allah is All-Knowing. (Ismail k 7/10)