Is masjid al aqsa, also known as the haram sharif or the third haram (so the ruling of hunting killing etc., being prohibited also applies in al-aqsa), i am asking this because the Arabs denies the fact that al-aqsa is haram?
Can you please give proofs with references?
I’ve got another question, are you allowed to curse hazrat yazid (radhiyallahu anhu) can you please give proofs with references.
Answer: masjid al aqsa is the third holiest masjid in Islam. The thawab of salah is increased in these three masaajid. And one should only travel a long distance to pray in one of these three. Other masaajid are equal in thawaab, therefore one should not travel to Badshahi masjid of Lahore or jame masjid of Delhi for extra thawaab, as they are equal to your local masjid in sawaab.
However, the status of haram is exclusively for al masjid al haraam in Makkah mukarramah, some fuqahaa extend this to madinah munawwarah as well, but the hanafiyyah say that madinah munawwara has it’s respect, nevertheless, the sanctity of al haram al makkiy does not extend to madina munawwarah. None of the fuqahaa give this status to al masjid al aqsa.
Yazid ibn muawiyah was not a sahabi, so you shouldn’t say radhiallahu anhu with his name. He was from the tabieen. He was good in the beginning, so his father appointed him as his deputy, however, as soon as his father died and he became the ruler, he changed dramatically, he acted very severly against those who refused to accept him. He sent an army to attack the people of madinah munawwara, who wreaked havoc in the city. The women were raped and those who tried to defend the city were killed without mercy. He also had sayyiduna hussain radiallahu anhu killed. He himself did not live long, he died after a rule of just 3 years and at a very young age.
For these reasons some ulema curse him. Allama taftazani has taken this view in sharhul aqaaid annasafi. Hazrat mawlana Rashid Ahmed gangohi rahmatullahi alayhi is also reported to have held the same view. Other ulema would not curse him, as the matter of cursing is very grave.