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Can we jeans and shirt as a present to muslims?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

Knowing that we cannot wear western style clothes which include jeans pants and shirts can we gift these to Muslims or non-Muslims? What are teacher’s rights on student when the teacher in madrasa insults students. She points out mistakes to make students work even harder but does it in a way that insults students. The student is not used to of this and thinks it is unfair and wrong of the teacher to have this type of behavior with the students. Is it ok to feel very upset about it and not want to be taught by this teacher? Also what should the student do and what should her behavior be like? What should she do and what shouldn’t she do which would be gunah? Please explain in detail about both sides: student and ustaad. 3. In Pakistan, if you are shopping and namaz time comes in the middle, can the women go to masjid and pray as there is no other place to pray. Most masjids don’t have separate place for women and bazaars open late, so namaz time comes in the middle. what should be done?

Can we jeans and shirt as a present to muslims?
Whatever you cannot use for yourself he should not gift to others. There is a difference between informing somebody or admonishing someone versus humiliating someone, a teacher should not humiliate his or his students but rather advise them. Calling them with names, humiliating them, or mocking them is all in permissible unless it is deemed extremely necessary to straighten the child. Also, the students should respect to teacher even if the teacher is wrong is students should not have a reaction to that such that it would disrespect to teacher. The teacher has to be merciful with the students and students should be respectful towards the teacher. The responsibility of the teacher is to teach and to teach manners with love and mercy. The prophet peace be upon them have suggested people in the field of teaching and learning to be good mannered in their profession.

If a woman is in the Bazaar and she finds no place to pray except a mosque than she can pray at a mosque in a place where there are no men. It is not allowed for women to go regularly to a mosque with men at a time of Congregational prayers but if by chance they happened to be in the market they can go and pray.

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This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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