Home » Hanafi Fiqh » ShariahBoard.org » I heard that nowadays, girls of marriageable age should have one photo of themselves just in case some boy’s family asks for it with the intention of a marriage. The reason stated was that if you don’t then you won’t get any proposals. Is having a picture taken permissible in this situation?

I heard that nowadays, girls of marriageable age should have one photo of themselves just in case some boy’s family asks for it with the intention of a marriage. The reason stated was that if you don’t then you won’t get any proposals. Is having a picture taken permissible in this situation?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org
I heard that nowadays, girls of marriageable age should have one photo of themselves just in case some boy’s family asks for it with the intention of a marriage. The reason stated was that if you don’t then you won’t get any proposals. Is having a picture taken permissible in this situation? What is permissible for a girl to show the suitor? Is it permissible to wear light makeup at that time?
I heard that nowadays, girls of marriageable age should have one photo of themselves just in case some boy's family asks for it with the intention of a marriage. The reason stated was that if you don't then you won't get any proposals. Is having a picture taken permissible in this situation?
If someone has a photograph taken for a passport then to show that photograph is not wrong. This is also when the guy and a girl or one of them do not desire to see each other personally. If the guy wants to see the girl then it should be allowed. If the girl wants to make herself up, that is also allowed.

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This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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