Home » Hanafi Fiqh » ShariahBoard.org » Assalamu alaikum, I understand that we are not in the best of the time where every child can go and learn his deen from Ulema and goes on his with life with whatever career he wants to preserve. But is it correct to discourage people to read the translations of the Holy Quran (As it is done in India), I totally understand that there can be pitfalls by reading and interpreting on your own but does that justify not reading at all and never knowing what is there in Holy Quran and just keep reading for the baraka. If you justify saying you might interpret wrong what about the arabs who don’t speak/understand the classical arabic anymore. If today’s arabs read quran or recite in salath, they only understand bits and pieces. There is a more chance of misinterpreting here. what should they do?

Assalamu alaikum, I understand that we are not in the best of the time where every child can go and learn his deen from Ulema and goes on his with life with whatever career he wants to preserve. But is it correct to discourage people to read the translations of the Holy Quran (As it is done in India), I totally understand that there can be pitfalls by reading and interpreting on your own but does that justify not reading at all and never knowing what is there in Holy Quran and just keep reading for the baraka. If you justify saying you might interpret wrong what about the arabs who don’t speak/understand the classical arabic anymore. If today’s arabs read quran or recite in salath, they only understand bits and pieces. There is a more chance of misinterpreting here. what should they do?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org
Assalamu alaikum, I understand that we are not in the best of the time where every child can go and learn his deen from Ulema and goes on his with life with whatever career he wants to preserve. But is it correct to discourage people to read the translations of the Holy Quran (As it is done in India), I totally understand that there can be pitfalls by reading and interpreting on your own but does that justify not reading at all and never knowing what is there in Holy Quran and just keep reading for the baraka. If you justify saying you might interpret wrong what about the arabs who don’t speak/understand the classical arabic anymore. If today’s arabs read quran or recite in salath, they only understand bits and pieces. There is a more chance of misinterpreting here. what should they do? Don’t you think the system has evolved itself into some kind of follow only what you are told to by parents or what you just pick up as you grow up rather learning from book of Allah, or books of hadith or great works of scholars from earlier time.? Please don’t conclude that I’m not a follower of a madhab, I’m a follower of Hanafi madhab. Also, can you point me to places/people where I can take a break from my professional life for 2 years and learn the deen of Allah. I would like to study in India preferebly in Bangalore as I come from that place. My intention is to learn enough so that I fix myself and my family first and then become a Da’i to invite people towards the deen of Allah. So my learning (as I understand with the limited information I have) should include understanding Arabic, The Holy Quran, hadith, fiqh and character building. JazakumAllahQair
Assalamu alaikum, I understand that we are not in the best of the time where every child can go and learn his deen from Ulema and goes on his with life with whatever career he wants to preserve. But is it correct to discourage people to read the translations of the Holy Quran (As it is done in India), I totally understand that there can be pitfalls by reading and interpreting on your own but does that justify not reading at all and never knowing what is there in Holy Quran and just keep reading for the baraka. If you justify saying you might interpret wrong what about the arabs who don't speak/understand the classical arabic anymore. If today's arabs read quran or recite in salath, they only understand bits and pieces. There is a more chance of misinterpreting here. what should they do?
All three of these things are permissible.

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This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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