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Musafir & Friday (Jumma) Prayer

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org
If someone is a musafir is it compulsory for them to pray jummah, or is it ok if they just pray 2 rakat kasr for zuhr?
Musafir & Friday (Jumma) Prayer
Jumma is not fardh for musafir, he can pray 2 rakat Qasr for Zuhr. But, if he prays behind the local Imam, than he has to make niyyat of Jummah for his Zuhr salaat. He cannot make 2 rakat Qasr for Friday zuhr behind the local Imaam.

Original Source Link (from Way Back Machine archive)

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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