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Impurity in the form of smell

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

Assalam Alaikum,

For an impurity to be removed from clothes or body, it has to be washed. But after washing if the smell of the najasat still exists, will it still be considered as an impure form(Napaak)? The question is specifically for kid’s feces. If the feces of a 4-5 year old kid accidentally is caught on a cloth (of the kid or an adult accompanying the kid) and after washing (3 times with water and soap) the smell still remains, will the cloth or the body of the adult will still be considered Napaak?

Jazakallah Khairan.

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

Regarding purification of a piece of cloth, if the impurity is visible on the cloth, the removal of impurity by washing it will make the cloth pure while there is no need to further squeeze the cloth.

However, if the impurity is invisible, its purification will depend on dominance of personal feeling.  

Three times squeezing of the piece of cloth after washing ensures purification of the cloth. Let it be clear the third time squeeze must be in done with force.

Now per your referenced question, if you had washed the cloth in a manner that the impurity had disappeared, but still had bad smell, the cloth is considered pure.

قال ابراھیم الحلبیؒ: اما اذا اصابت الثوب نجاسۃ ھذا شروع فی کیفیّۃ تطھیر النجاسۃ بالغسل فان النجاسۃ اما ان تکون مرئیۃ او غیر مرئیۃ فان کانت مرئیۃ فطھارتہ زوال عینھا اِلاَّ ما یشق(وبعد اسطر) وان لم تکن النجاسۃ مرئیۃ یغسلھا حتی یغلب علی ظنہ انہ قد طھر وھٰذا اذا لم یکن لھا ریح فان کان یجب الغسل الٰی زوالہ الا ما یشق وقیل اذا غسل الثوب من غیرہ مرۃً وعصر بالمبالغۃ یطھر وقیل انہٗ لایطھر  مالم یغسل ثلاث مرات یعصر فی کلّ مرۃ والفتویٰ علی الاوّل۔ (کبیری، فصل فی الاسار:ص؍۲۱۱، ۲۱۲

مافی بدائع الصنائع(۴۳۹/۱): واما سائر النجاسات اذا اصابت الثوب أوالبدن و نحوھما فانھا لا تزول الا بالغسل سواء کانت رطبۃ اویابسۃ وسواء کانت سائلۃ او لھاجرم۔

وفی الھندیۃ(۴۲/۱): ان غسل ثلاثا فعصر فی کل مرۃ ثم تقاطرت منہ قطرۃ فأصابت شیأ ان عصرہ فی المرۃ الثالثۃ وبالغ فیہ بحیث لوعصرہ لایسیل منہ الماء فالثوب والید وما تقاطر طاھر والا فالکل نجس۔

فقط واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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