Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah
My question is that if someone misses one or more raka‘at when performing salah with jama‘at, how should one complete the missed raka‘at(s) after the imam has said salam? For example, if I was only able to complete one raka‘at when I joined and missed 3, how will the 3 be performed? Similarly if 2 or 1 was missed what will be the method to complete the salah? In addition, should we read sana regardless of when (in which raka‘at) we join the jama‘at?
Could you please advise us regarding a book which explains all of such rulings regarding salah so that we can improve and make our salah better?
JazakAllahu Khaira
Walaikumassalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
الجواب و باللہ التوفیق
While performing salah with jama‘at, if only one raka‘at has been missed, the method to make it up will be to:
- Standup after the imam has said salam, read sana, then read an additional surah (along with surah al-fatihah) and complete the rest of the raka‘at as usual by performing qa‘dah and saying salam
Otherwise, in Zuhr, Asr or Isha, if two raka‘ats were missed:
- Sana, ta‘awwuz and tasmiyah should be read in the first raka‘at followed by reading surah al-fatihah and another surah, then one should stand again after performing ruku‘ and sajdah
- In the second raka‘at, after reading surah al-fatihah and another surah, ruku‘, sajdah and qa‘dah should be performed after which one should say salam
In Zuhr, Asr or Isha, if the person was only able to join in one raka‘at then the three missed raka‘ats should be completed in this manner:
- In the first raka‘at, sana, ta‘awwuz, tasmiyah, surah al-fatihah and another surah should be read and qa‘dah should be performed after ruku‘ and sajdah
- After standing from qa‘dah, surah al-fatihah and another surah should be read and then after ruku‘ and sajdah stand up without performing qa‘dah
- In making up the third missed raka‘at, only surah al-fatihah should be read after which ruku‘, sajdah and qa‘dah should be performed and salah should be completed by saying salam
If in the maghrib salah, only one raka‘at was performed with the imam, then after the imam has said salam, sana, ta‘awwuz and tasmiyah should be read in the first raka‘at followed by reading surah al-fatihah, another surah, performing ruku‘, sajdah and qa‘dah. Then after standing up from qa‘dah, only surah al-fatihah should be read after which ruku‘, sajdah and qa‘dah should be performed and salah should be completed by saying salam.
If after the imam has said takbeer-e-ula and has not started the recitation, then after saying takbir-e-tahrimah, sana can be recited. If however, the imam has already started recitation, then according to the saheeh and predominant qawl, muqtadi should say takbeer, join the jama‘at, not read sana and should listen to the recitation quietly, regardless of whether the salah is sirri (with loud recitation of imam) or khafee (with quite recitation of imam). After the imam has said salam, if the muqtadi will standup to make up his missed salah, he will have to recite sana, ta‘awwuz, tasmiyah, surah al-fatihah etc. at that time.
The writer of Najmul-Fatawah has explained this topic in detail in which Hazrat has cited the fatawah from our akabireen and considered the objections of the opposers and then concluded the above to be the preferred method. Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanvi Sahib in Imdadul-Fatawah has also considered this as the preferred way (Imdadul-Fatawah, Pg. 403, Vol.1).
In order to get more details regarding the rulings related to salah, you can read the following books:
- Namaz-e-Alh-e-Sunnah by Mawlana Ilyas Ghumman Sahib Maddazilluhu
- Hanafi Namaz Mudallal by Mawlana Salman Zahid Sahib Maddazilluhu
- Namazain Sunnat Kay Mutabiq Parhain by Mufti Taqi Uthmani Sahib Maddazilluhu
- Sunnat Kay Mutabiq Namaz Parheeyay by Mawlana Mohammed Irshad Qasmi Sahib Maddazilluhu
- Namaz Masnoon by Sufi Abdul Hameed Sahib Maddazilluhu
- Majmooa-e-Muqalat Volume 2, Chapter: Masail-e-Namaz Quran-o-Hadith Kee Roshnee Mai by Mawlana Habeebur Rahman Sahib Maddazilluhu
- Bahishti Zewar by Hazrat Ashraf Ali Thanvi Sahib Rehmatullah Aleh
- Ta‘leemul-Islam by Hazrat Mufti Kifayatullah Sahib
These and many more books from ulamah-e-haq can be utilized for reading about salah and its rulings, which are available in paperback or PDF versions.
والمسبوق من سبقہ الإمام بہا أو ببعضہا وہو منفرد حتی یثني ویتعوذ ویقرأ۔
(درمختار) وتحتہ في الشامیۃ: تفریع علی قولہ ’’منفرد فیما یقضیہ‘‘ بعد فراغ إمامہ، فیأتي بالثناء والتعوذ؛ لأنہ للقراء ۃ ویقرأ لأنہ یقضي أول صلا تہ في حق القراء ۃ۔
(درمختار مع الشامي، باب الإمامۃ / مطلب: فیما لو أتی بالرکوع والسجود أو بہما مع الإمام أو قبلہ أو بعدہ ۲؍۳۴۶-۳۴۷ زکریا، الفتاویٰ التاتارخانیۃ ۲؍۱۹۵ رقم: ۲۱۲۰ زکریا، ہندیۃ ۱؍۹۰ زکریا، فتاویٰ دارالعلوم ۳؍۳۹۲)
وہہنا من أحکام المسبوق أنّہ یقضي أوّل صلاتہ في حق القرائۃ وآخرہا في حق التشہد۔
(ہندیۃ، کتاب الصلاۃ، الفصل السابع في المسبوق واللاّ حق، قدیم زکریا ۱/۹۱، جدید زکریا۱/۱۴۹)
(البحرالرائق، کتاب الصلاۃ، باب الحدث في الصلاۃ، مکتبۃ زکریا دیوبند ۱/۶۶۴، کوئٹہ ۱/۳۷۹)
) لوأدرک مع الإمام رکعۃ في ذوات الأربع فقام إلی القضاء قضیٰ رکعۃ یقرأفیہا بفاتحۃ الکتاب وسورۃ ویتشہد ثم یقوم فیقضي رکعۃ أخریٰ یقرأ فیہا بفاتحۃ الکتاب وسورۃ وفي الثالثۃ ہو بالخیار والقراء ۃ أفضل علی ماعرف۔
( بدائع الصنائع، کتاب الصلاۃ، حکم المسبوق، مکتبۃ زکریا دیوبند ۱/۵۶۷)
ولوأدرک رکعۃ من الرباعیۃ فعلیہ أن یقضي رکعۃ یقرأ فیہا الفاتحۃ والسورۃ ویتشہد ویقضي رکعۃ أخریٰ کذلک ولایتشہد وفي الثلاثۃ بالخیار والقراء ۃ أفضل۔
(ہندیۃ، کتاب الصلاۃ، باب الإمامۃ، الفصل السابع في المسبوق واللاّحق، قدیم زکریا دیوبند۱/۹۱، جدید زکریا دیوبند۱/۱۴۹)
شامي ، کتاب الصلاۃ، باب الإمامۃ، مکتبۃ زکریا دیوبند ۲/۳۴۷، کراچي ۱/۵۹۶)
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