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Praying on a Carpet with Impurities

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

There are two incidents that took place in our mosque, once a child urinated in a corner inside the mosque and a similar incident where a baby’s diaper leaked. We understood that those areas of the mosque became napaak (filthy). There is a vacuum, which dispenses water into the surfaces like the carpet and then later sucks it from the surface. After using this vacuum, we used the regular vacuum as well which is usually used to pick dirt from dry surfaces. Is that area in the mosque now considered clean and can salah be performed there? The issue is that the carpet in the mosque is so big and glued to the floor in such a manner that removing it completely, washing and then putting it back seems very difficult. Please guide us regarding this issue.

JazakAllahu Khaira

Walaikumassalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

There are several scenarios of cleaning the objects, where upon washing it is impossible squeeze them.

  1. If the najasat is only on the surface of the object and has not been absorbed by it, then either getting rid of the najasat (filth) or cleaning it with water three times will be sufficient
  2. If however, the najasat has been thoroughly absorbed by the object then washing it three times periodically is mandatory in such a manner that each time after washing the water stops dripping out of it, once washed three times in this manner the najasat will be considered cleaned
  3. If however, the object is such that it cannot be picked up for washing, or after the wash and the stopping of dripping water, it is not possible to wash it again, then the method of cleaning them will be to wash once and then leave it to dry. Repeating this process three times is necessary. Being dry means that if someone places their hand on the object after being washed and dried, their hand does not get wet
  4. Cleaning certain carpets due to their size and being glued to the floor is difficult. The process of cleaning them is to use a piece of cloth which has been thoroughly soaked into the water to wipe that area again and again, until the najasat gets cleaned and you get the satisfaction regarding it. Objects cleaned in such a manner have been considered as clean by the ulamah kiram as well.
  5. Similarly, the carpet washing machines if used three times will also render the carpet as clean. As per the situation described in your question, if each of the three times, the dirty water was vacummed out of the carpet and the water in the machine was replaced with clean water then this will be sufficient in order to consider the carpet clean as well.

لمافی الھندیۃ(۴۲/۱): مالاینعصر یطھر بالغسل ثلاث مرات والتجفیف فی کل مرۃ لان للتجفیف أثرا فی استخراج النجاسۃ۔وفی الدر المختار(۳۳۱/۱): (غیرھا) أی غیر مرئیۃ(بغلبۃ ظن غاسل)۔۔۔۔۔۔ (طھارۃ محلھا)بلا عدد بہ یفتیٰ ( وقدر)۔۔۔۔۔۔( بغسل وعصر ثلاثاً)أو سبعا( فیما ینعصر)۔۔۔۔۔ (و) قدر (بتثلیث جفاف) أی انقطاع تقاطر(فی غیرہ) ای غیر منعصر۔

قولہ ( و بتثلیث الجفاف فیما لا ینعصر ) أی ما لا ینعصر فطھارتہ غسلہ ثلاثا و تجفیفہ فی کل مرة لان للتجفیف أثرا فی استخراج النجاسة و ھو ان یترکہ حتیٰ ینقطع التقاطر ولا یشترط فیہ الیبس”…(البحر الرائق :٤١٣١)

وإن کان مما لا ینعصر کا لحصیر المتخذ من البردی و نحوہ إن علم أنہ لم یتشرب فیہ بل أصاب ظاہرہ یطھر بإزالۃ العین أو بالغسل ثلاثا بلا عصر وإن علم تشربہ ۔۔۔ وعند أبي یوسف ینقع في الماء ثلاثا ویجفف کل مرۃ ۔۔۔ وبہ یفتی ‘‘ (۱) رد المحتار : ۱/۱۴۵، مکتبہ زکریا۔

’’غسل ومسح والجفاف مطہر‘‘(الدرالمختار۱/۳۱۵)

بقي مما يطهر بالمسح موضع الحجامة ففي الظهيرية إذا مسحها بثلاث خرق رطبات نظاف أجزأه عن الغسل وأقره في الفتح وقاس عليه ما حول محل الفصد إذا تلطخ ويخاف من الإسالة السريان إلى الثقب (رد المحتار:باب الانجاس:۱/۳۱۰)

It has been mentioned in Fatawah al-Lakhnawi:

المطہرالسادس:المسح بخرقات مبتلۃ۔(فتاوی اللکنوی ص۱۴۱۔مستفاد ازفتاویٰ دارالعلوم زکریا:۱/۵۴۵و۵۴۶)

فقط واللہ اعلم بالصواب


This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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