Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam
Question: Assalam alaykum
I was in habit of a specific sin. I decided to make a promise on Allah not to commit that sin until my exams were over. I broke my promise and renewed it several times. Should I offer expiration for each and every promise I broke or should I just offer one expiation ?
Answer: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Promises are not considered to be oaths, and they don’t require expiation if broken. But you should repent for not keeping your word.
In future, I’d advise against using promises and oaths to achieve things. If you are suffering from a form of addiction, I’d suggest you get some professional help.
Please also see: What is the Difference Between a Promise, an Oath, and a Vow?
And Allah Most High alone knows best.
[Ustadh] Tabraze Azam
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Ustadh Tabraze Azam holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Leicester, where he also served as the President of the Islamic Society. He memorised the entire Qur’an in his hometown of Ipswich at the tender age of sixteen, and has since studied the Islamic Sciences in traditional settings in the UK, Jordan and Turkey. He is currently pursuing advanced studies in Jordan, where he is presently based with his family.