Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Abu Hanifa (r) on Knowledge
From: Izzu’d-Din
Know that action follows knowledge
as the limbs follow the eyes.
A little action with knowledge
is far more beneficial
than a lot of action
with ignorance.
In the desert
a little provision
with guidance
is more useful
than a lot of provision
without it.
That is like what
Allah Almighty says,
‘Say: “Are they the same-those who know and do not
know?” It is only people of intelligence who pay
[From the works of Sh. Abu Zahra al-Maliki,
p,224,’The Four Imams’ trans. ‘A’isha Bewley]
(Mutarrif ibn Abdullah ):Peoples intellects are according to their time.
(Muwarriq ibn al-Mushmarij al-‘Ijili): I do not find any more apt metaphor for the believer in this world except that of a man clinging to a piece of wood in the sea saying, ‘O Lord! O Lord!’ Perhaps Allah will rescue him.
[Imam Muhammad ibn Sa’d, ‘The Men of Madina’].