Answered by Shaykh Abu Usamah
What is the correct manner for women to sit while in prayer?

Al-Salam `alaykum
The recommended sitting posture for women in prayer, when reasonably possible without hardship or difficulty, is as follows:
Sit on the left buttock, take the feet out to the right and keep the right thigh on the left thigh. The feet must be kept horizontally on the ground and not erect. Keep the hands on the thighs with the fingers close together.
This is the method mentioned by the Fuqaha and is supported by narrations recorded in the Musnad of Imam Abu Hanifa andMussanaf ibn Abi Shayba. The author of al-Hidayastates that in this there is greater concealment for women. (Al-Hidaya, 1.111, Qadimi Kutub Khana , Pakistan )
And Allah Ta`ala Knows Best.
Abu Usamah