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Is it permissible to take medication to stop your menstrual flow during Ramadan?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by MuslimaCoaching.com

Question: Is it permissible to take medication to stop your menstrual flow during Ramadan?


Bismi Llahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuhu

Yes, it is permissible to take medication to stop or delay the oncoming of your menstruation during Ramadan. However, there are a few considerations that a woman must be aware of first.

Expect The Unexpected

Many women take medication innocently thinking that they can easily manipulate their cycles, but they end up messing with their natural hormonal system. This can result in unexpected breakthrough bleeding and spotting, which inevitably causes a lot of stress upon a woman. The confusion can be made worse concerning those who may not know the rulings related to distinguishing what is menstrual blood and what is non-menstrual blood (istihada).

Thus, if a woman desires to take medication to manipulate her menstrual cycle, she needs to be aware that the medication may not help her in the way that she is expecting. She also needs to record any spotting/colored discharge she sees, and she should have access to a teacher to ask her questions if problems occur.

A Matter Of Perspective

Some women want to take medication because they feel like they are missing out on Ramadan due to their periods. However, a menstruating woman is NOT missing out on any of the tremendous blessings that Allah Most High sends during Ramadan. She is still able to do several acts of worship. Please refer to this article for ideas: Worship In Ramadan For A Menstruating Woman.

Another reason that women want to take medication is so that they can avoid making up their missed fasts outside of Ramadan. However, the female Companions (Allah be pleased with them) did not try to stop their menstruation because of makeup fasts. The Mother of Believers, Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) said, “When our menstruation occurred, we were ordered (by the Prophet ﷺ) to makeup our fasts but not our prayers.” [Muslim]

Menstruation is a normal and natural phenomenon that women face. Islam teaches us a healthy perspective towards our monthly cycles. It is not a punishment. It is not dirty. It is not a vacation from worship. Rather, it is an encouragement to stay in tune with our bodies and to seek knowledge related to female-only issues.

For more details about the rulings of menstruation related to Ramadan, please refer to this article: Menstruation Rulings Related To Ramadan.

Which Medication Is Best

Nevertheless, if you still desire to stop or delay your period, I personally recommend using Primolut Nor (or any progesterone-based pill) and not birth control. For some women, their bodies take time to adjust to birth control and it is not quick enough for Ramadan. To read more about Primolut Nor, click here.

Please remember to consult your doctor as every woman’s body will differ, and you must take the medication that is best for your circumstances and suitable for your body.

Jazak Allah khayran

Naielah Ackbarali


  • Imam ibn Abidin, Manhal al-Waridin
  • Sahih Muslim

This answer was collected from Muslimacoaching.com, which was founded by Ustadha Naielah Ackbarali. She studied Islamic studies (Hanafi Fiqh) in Syria for about 6 years with various scholars, including Sheikh Hassan al-Hindy, Sheikh Adnan Darwish, Sheikh AbdurRahman Arjan, and Sheikh Abdullah Rahal. She also studied Hanafi Fiqh in Jordan with Sheikh Faraz Rabbani, and aqeedah with Sheikh Hamza Karamali.

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