Q: I am really in doubt whether hadith is true or not due to many conflicting facts that arised by Ahmed Javed Ghamdi. Now I get thoughts that I am doubting hadith and I can find out whether the hadith is true or not by researching on google which may take time. When I get free time I usually spend on other things. Now I get the thought that i should spend whole my free time in knowing hadith is true or not. Or else i am commiting kufr. This is because if a non muslim can know the truth of islam by researching on google but he doesn’t do that knowing that he is able to do. He is ignoring to know truth. I think that i am also doing same case. Feeling scared. Is it kufr if i don’t spend my free time in reaserching in google if hadith are true or not?
A: This way of learning and studying is not right. Find some righteous experienced aalim and learn under him.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)