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Ishaq ibn Rahuyah (rahimahullah) marries a woman due to her collection of books

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by HadithAnswers.com


I am looking for a incident of a scholar who married a woman after her husband passed on. She had a good selection of books.


Imams Abu Nu’aym and Bayhaqi (rahimahumallah) have recorded this incident.

Ahmad ibn Salamah An Naysaburi (rahimahullah) relates: “Ishaq ibn Rahuyah married a woman in Marw. Her husband had books of Imam Shafi’i and he had passed away. He only married her for [access to] her books…”

(Hilyatul Awliya, vol. 9 pg. 102-103, Manaqibush Shafi’i, vol. 1 pg. 266. Also see: Siyaru A’alamin Nubala, vol. 10 pg. 70)

See a brief biography of this great scholar here.

And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.

Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala

Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar

This answer was collected from HadithAnswers.com. The answers were either answered or checked by Moulana Haroon Abasoomar (rahimahullah) who was a Shaykhul Hadith in South Africa, or by his son, Moulana Muhammad Abasoomer (hafizahullah), who is a Hadith specialist. 

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