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Permanent hair straightening

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by FatwaCentre.org


Assalamulykum. I want to know about permanent hair straightening which restructured the grown hair but the new hair will be in natural texture. But some many conflicting fatwa that it shouldn’t create any waterproof layer on hair. I’m confused by that what does it mean? And how would i know if it created any layer or not.
I have done it. And then i asked one of the islamic page that if it created any layer and as the treatment is permanent what can i do. I’m having waswasa about my ritual purity and validity of prayer. And i wanted to shave my head. They said yes you can shave your head.
What can i do? I’m married. Please suggest me. Does it really invalid ritual purity?


There are different types of permanent hair straightening techniques. Some will keep the hair straight until the hair grows out and others will allow the hair to go back to their natural form after a few months. It will be permissible to have hair straightened provided that the procedure does not cause any harm to the body and no impure substances are applied to the hair.

As for the issue of ritual purity, this would depend on the process. If the process leaves behind a solid coating over the hair which prevents water from reaching the hair, then this would prevent wudu and ghusl from being valid and therefore the coating would need to be removed.

We have contacted a few companies who offer this service and based on the information we were provided, a solid coating is not left over the hair. When the hair is washed, water reaches the actual hair itself.

You should contact the company where you had your hair straightened and seek clarification from them. If they say that there is no coating over the hair and that water reaches the hair then there will be no issue with purification.

If in the event that there is a coating over the hair which acts as a barrier between the hair and water then you will need to locate a product that can remove that barrier. Shaving the head is not permissible except in extreme circumstances such as medical need.

Answered by:
Ifta Research Fellow

Checked & Approved by:
Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera
Mufti Zubair Patel

This answer was collected from FatwaCentre.org, which is overseen by Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman Mangera.

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