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Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Fatwa.org.au
1) What is the minimal amount for mahr to be offered to a bride for marriage?

2) Can the bride give her groom back the mahr if she chooses to because of her love for him and wanting the gift and blessing of only nikah and the blessing of the hereafter inshallah instead?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

1) The minimum amount of mahr is 10 Dirhams which is equal to 34.02 grams of silver.

(Ahsanul Fatawa: 5/32, Saeed)

أقله عشرة دراهم لحديث البيهقي وغيره “لا مهر أقل من عشرة دراهم” ( الدر المختار: 3/101، سعيد )
2) If the wife wants to absolve her husband from paying the entire mahr or part of the mahr, she may do so.

وصح حطها لكله أو بعضه ( الدر المختار: 3/113، سعيد )
And Allah knows best.

Mufti Faizal Riza

This answer was collected from Fatwa.org.au, which is connected to Darul Ifta Australia, based in Melbourne, Australia.
It is operated by Mufti Faizal Riza, a student of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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