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Gatherings For Quranic Reading And Dhikr

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by DarulUloomTT.net

Question: Assalamualaykum,

1. Is it permissible for males to gather at a place on one or more occasions e.g. Masjid, Madrassah or other venue for a weekend to recite the Qur’an; the purpose being to make complete recitation of the Qur’an easy for people, who might not otherwise recite the Qur’an.

The analogy to be drawn to substantiate this practice is that of congregational Fardh Salah, which is performed in congregation in order to make it easy for us to perform Salah. Similarly, congregational Dhikr is performed in order to make it easy for one to perform Dhikr.

2. If the aforementioned is permissible, is it permissible to have a requirement of the gathering that one may only leave when they have completed recitation of the Qur’an?

Being a student of the Deen, please enlighten with the necessary Shar’i proofs/evidence as to whether such gatherings are permissible, bearing in mind the intention & secondly taking in to account the stipulation mentioned in point (2) above.

NB: My concern regarding this issue is that a gathering of this nature begins to be regarded as necessary or obligatory, which if my understanding is correct, would then make such a gathering impermissible.

Please clarify.
Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

It is permissible for males to gather at a place on one or more occasions to recite the Quran. However, this must not be done to an extent where it becomes a customary gathering and continuous practice.

There is no prohibition in people gathering for the sake of reciting Quran or Dhikr, however, one must ensure that it does not become a practice which becomes established among the people as a custom, and viewed as a religious obligation and duty which must be carried out a continuous basis. The scholars have warned about this, and have considered it an innovation for one to make binding upon himself that which the shariah has not made binding. (Al Itisaam).

Analogy cannot be made on Fardh congregational Salaah, since this is mandated and ordained in the Shariah to be done in this manner. As for the other acts like recitation of Quran and Dhikr, these have not been ordained in a congregational manner. Hence, if this sort of gathering occurs, then it should be done with the understanding that it is an allowed act which carries merits, but is not a fardh, wajib, Sunnah or Mustahab act.

This should not be viewed as being one which is essential or one which is a religious duty in Islam. Therefore, it will be wrong to have a requirement that one may only leave the gathering only when they have completed the recitation of the Quran.

And Allah Knows Best.

Mufti Waseem Khan.


This answer was collected from DarulUloomTT.net, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Waseem Khan from Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago.

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