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What is the ruling with regards to suicide?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulihsan.com

Q: What is the ruling with regards to suicide?


Suicide is absolutely haraam in the Sharia. It is a grave sin and totally prohibited. Under no curcumstance is a person allowed to take his or her own life in Sharia. The Holy Quraan clearly prohibits this in Surah Nisa, Verse 29. You could refer to the Tafaseer of this verse for further clarification.

Mufti Shafiq Jakhura
Iftaa Department, Darul Ihsan Islamic Services Centre
I concur with the answer:
Mufti Zubair Bayat

Ameer, Darul Ihsan Islamic Services Centre

This answer was collected from DarulIhsan.com. It’s the official website of Darul Ihsan, which is an Islamic organisation (PBO) based in Durban, South Africa.

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