(Fatwa: 821/804/N=1433)
Tartib is wajib in Rami and Qurbani according to Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمة الله عليه). Hence in the question mentioned above your hajj as well the hajj of your friends was complete without any doubt but since the Qurbani of you and of your friends was done before Rami hence if you were doing hajj Qiran or Tamattu then 1-1 dam (slaughtering of animal) shall be wajib on you due to violating the tartib.
قال فى البحر الرائق (3:24): وإن ذبح قبل الرمي لزمه دم إن كان قارنا أو متمتعا اهـ
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband