(2) My mother house which is built only and only with my money will it be divided to my brothers and sisters as my mother expired three years ago and father is still alive.
(Fatwa: 1330/995/D=1433)
(1) The land belonged to the mother but what was the nature the money which you spent in the construction?
(a) If you gave money to your mother as debt then you can take the amount equal to your debt from the inheritance left by the mother and the rest shall be divided among all the brothers and sisters.
(b) If you gave the money to your mother to support and help her then it was a contribution from your side. And the house of the mother shall become inheritance which will be divided among all her heirs as per the Shariah.
(c) If you intended to participate in the house by investing the money then you shall be the owner of the house equal to your amount and the rest shall be divided among all the heirs as per their shares. But the matter of participation and giving of debt shall be considered when you declared it verbally, otherwise not and thus it shall be considered as contribution only.
(2) If you gave money to your father to purchase land for you then you shall be the owner of the land alone and if you gifted it to your father then your father shall be its owner. Only by doing registry in your name you shall not become its owner till your father does not give it into your complete possession by doing hiba.
Note: Your father is still alive hence you should clear the matter with him.
(3) You are building the new house with your earning then you shall be its owner alone. Your brothers and sisters shall have not right in it.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband