Assalamu Alaikum Now a days, in the market, battary operated mosquito rackets (a bat) are available. with this bat one can control mosquitos. The problem is that this racket reduce mosquito in to ash, means burnts completly. My question this that weather thease kind of rackets can be used or not ? please note that others options like mosquito coil etc are not effective any more.
(Fatwa: 90/88/B=1432)
One should avoid burning the living being as much as possible; because it is forbidden to punish any living being with fire. Yes, if all the methods to kill the mosquitoes and save oneself from them are fail and they cause problem, you can use it in severe compulsion.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband