(Fatwa: 322=322/L)
For marriage, a pious and religious girl should be looked for. It is in stated in Hadith that woman is married for 4 reasons; nobility, wealth, beauty, religiousness. But, you should marry a pious girl. (Muttafaq Alaih: Mishkat page 268)
The girl should be virgin, and younger than the husband or equal to him in age. Also, she should be better than the husband in morality, etiquettes, piety and beauty:
و کونھا دونہ سنا و حسبا و عزا و مالا وفوقہ خلقا و ادبا وورعا وزاد فی البحر ونکاح البکر احسن للحدیث: علیکم بالابکار فانھن اعذب افواھا و انقی ارحاما و ارضی بالیسر اخرجہ ابن ماجة والبیھقی (الدر المختار مع الرد: 4/67،68)
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Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
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