I had married a hindu lady after her conversion to Islam. The marriage worked for just 5 months. She got pressure from her parents to come back else they will not speak to her throughout her lifetime. She took Talaq-al-bain from me and went to her parents house. Now am feeling guilty and she also feels guilty, she wants to come back and I want to marry her. She told me its very difficult to that she is a muslim, I told her she may take her whole life to understand Islam but she should accept Islam before marriage. She will agree. The question is that ‘Since she had gone back and converted to Hinduism, Will the nikah under the previous nikah be valid or else a fresh nikah to be done and how should i introduce her to islam’ Please send me the reply urgently as she is about to come from her parents home very soon.
(Fatwa: 645/543/B=1432)
When after conversion, she turned away from Islam and returned to Hindu religion, the first nikah ended, and before that she has taken talaq bayin as well. She will have to do second nikah after accepting Islam again. You should offer her Islam again the way you offered before and tell her about the teachings of Islam so that she starts loving Islam and should not consider Islam difficult. Before second nikah, make her parents agree, it shall be better so that she does not turn apostate again.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband