Assalamualaykum Q-A person is able to pray taraweeh at home standing,he is also able to do sajdah on the ground when praying taraweeh at home but when praying taraweeh in the masjid he has to pray taraweeh sitting on the chair and has to do sajdah with Ishara(gesture) is his taraweeh valid if he prays taraweeh sitting on chair in the masjid as taraweeh is sunnah and not farz?please provide reference with english translation.
(Fatwa: 1233/1070=L/1429)
If that person is able to stand up and perform salah with ruku and sajdah, then it is not right for him to offer taravih sitting in the chair. In this way, taravih will not be valid.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband