I am soon to get married and my question is regarding wedding night. I need a quiet detail regarding wedding night including the act which are allowed during making love with wife according to Shariah and what are haram acts that one should not perform when making love with wife as I am worried that I should not do anything that is against Shariah and I want to start my new life with all blessings of Allah.
(Fatwa: 167/167/M=1433)
It is haram to have intercourse with wife from her backside. In the same way, if she is experiencing menstruation then too intercourse is haram and unlawful in that condition. Oral sex is bestiality and makrooh. One should avoid it as well. However, it is lawful to touch one’s wife; kiss her and have intercourse with her.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband