As Salaam Alikum, from last 5 years my whole family is suffirng from problems, 5 years before my younger sister got married from then till now her husband tortures her for dowry or silly things also, fours back we lost my younger brother he commited sucide, the reason for his sucide still unknown to us,and this feburary my elder sister got accidentally burn in bathroom and died after 20 days, she has 2 children now staying with us only, my elder sister was a teacher and the amount she get from government and insurence will all go to her husband only, but we feel that her husband will use this money on his own, my question is we are suffering from problems and there is no peace in our life some of my friends & relatives say to contact some Hazrath and do some bundish to home and other type of bundishes that your work will get fullfll, Are we muslims authorize to do bundishes like this, like my younger sister should live happy life without torture and my elder sister’s money should come to her children only for their future.or our business will improve after bundish. Please answer me it will help me in future.
(Fatwa: 1566/92/TB=1430)
Recite durood 100 times and لاحول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ العلی العظیم 500 times, then pray for your all needs. Do this for 40 days, in-sha-Allah your troubles will go away. Do not think of contacting any aamil or doing bandish; they will receive much money and your motto as well will not be fulfilled. Dua is very important thing, it will solve all your problems.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband