Assallamaliakum I am practicing as General Insurance surveyor & loss assessor & get fee paid by General Ins.Co (United India Ins., National Ins. Co.Ltd.,Relince Gen Ins Co., ets) My job involves to photograph the accident things ( Motor cars, Shops & some times human beings, animals, Poultry) & assess the loss technically & submit my report regarding which i am being paid as per the loss. I would like to know whether Islam permits my profession & earnings. General insurance basic concept for example one co .insures hundred cars & when loss occurs there loss will be monetarily reimbursed.
(Fatwa: 1294/1102=B-1429)
Since the insurance is based on interest and gambling, therefore it is a sin to help accomplish works related to it. One should avoid such jobs and should struggle to earn pure halal and lawful livelihood.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband