Assalam mu Alaykum, When is sexual intercourse haraam and when is it makrooh. And what is haraam during sexual intercourse and what is makrooh. Is there any act which done during sexual intercourse cause the child to be abnormal? What is the best things to eat during pregnecy?
(Fatwa: 1164/1006=L/1429)
It is haram to have intercourse with the wife when she is her menses and postpartum period. Likewise, it is unlawful to do intercourse at a time which may cause salah to miss. It is undesirable to talk or to be naked while doing intercourse. As far as what is best to eat in pregnancy is concerned, you should contact any expert hakim.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband