Q: I have a question regarding taraweeh: people in the Indian subcontinent go for 5 days or 10 days taraweeh in which they recite some 3-6 paras (juz) per night, and after the completion of the Quran they stop taraweeh? How many days does one have to read Taraweeh for?
A: There are two issues here.
To complete the entire Qur’aan in Taraaweeh is strongly advised and Sunnah. If the entire Qur’aan is completed in e.g. ten days, this does not mean that the person is excused from Taraaweeh for the rest of the days. He has to compulsorily perform Taraaweeh for the entire month. Completion of the entire Qur’aan is one issue and Taraaweeh for the entire month another.
Moulana Yusuf Laher