Brother, please guide me that making dua for a non muslim fellow to be on Imaan is lawful… Since that non muslim fellow and muslimah both want to get married. But muslimah want him to practice Islam and leave his non muslim wife and grant her the financial aid.
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Shar‘iah demands that we exemplify the beautiful and pure teachings of Nabi (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) to one and all. This includes making du‘ā’ of hidāyah and guidance for non-Muslims. As such, it is permissible to make du‘ā’ for a non-Muslim that he/she accepts Islam.
However, the motive and agenda for such an act should truly be for the sake of Islam and not for one’s worldly purposes.
How ironic is it that one wishes and makes du‘ā’ for a non-Muslim to accept Islam but the very same person making du‘ā’ is going against the teachings of Islam? What example and understanding of Islam does this leave for the non-Muslim? It should obviously be clear and known that the Muslimah in reference is committing a grave sin by having an illicit relationship with the non-Muslim in reference, especially with a married man. She should discontinue her contact with the person and make sincere tawbah and istighfār.
A Muslim/Muslimah ought to be a role model for others and not the other way around. What impression of Islam will the man in reference take from this? Furthermore, what will the wife of the man think about Islam if she comes to find out that her marriage has been destroyed due to a Muslimah being involved?
The woman in reference should seriously ponder and reflect how serious and outrageous the matter is and how it will affect the lives of others. She should turn to the teachings of Dīn and make the wise decision of completely breaking ties with the man in reference.
If she is truly concerned about him accepting Islam and not just to legalize her marriage with him, then she may refer him and his wife to appropriate people who are engaged in da‘wah so that they may accept Islam.
And Allah Ta‘āla Knows Best
Fahad Abdul Wahab
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai