Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that every child is born with the Fitrah (Islam). This Hadith goes on to say it is the parents that make him Christian or Jew. These days you do not have to born into a non-Muslim family to be a non-Muslim but rather the media, society and education can have a great influence over a young impressionable mind.
A School per say cannot Haraam because a child goes there to seek an education. However, a School with a Christian ethos poses a problem for both the child and the parent. The School may tell you that your child does not have to do the morning prayers or participate in the Biblical studies and the like but Schools like this have a well planned programme based on the Christian faith which sometimes comes out directly to the child and sometime subtly.
From this we can gather that can influence your child maybe not become a Christian but the least to think and behave like one and even to question the Islamic Faith, especially, the Shariah. So it is not proper to send your child to such a School. Remember Islamic education means preparing the child for this world and the hereafter. May Allah guide us.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Shaykh Irshad Amod
Al-Falaah College