Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » I do not want to cause marital discord because of my dressing. She suggested I wear pants and tops and dress in a modern fashion. Since then my husband has also voiced occasional dissatisfaction

I do not want to cause marital discord because of my dressing. She suggested I wear pants and tops and dress in a modern fashion. Since then my husband has also voiced occasional dissatisfaction

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Assallamualaikum. Since Ramadaan I have made an earnest effort to dress in an islamic manner and pray all my namaazes on time. My mother in law asked me yesterday if I was going to continue to dress in this way. She suggested I wear pants and tops and dress in a modern fashion. Since then my husband has also voiced occasional dissatisfaction. He asked when would I be leaving my hair loose. I want to please Allah (S.W.T) and do not want to be cursed by Him. I am very happy to dress with an abaya and scarf / burka. I am in a dilemma because I am not pleasing my husband occasionally.I prefer to be at home to make all my namaazes on time. My husband likes to go out. This causes great anxiety for me. How do I approach this and what can I read? I do not want to burden my husband,or cause discord, thereby obtain sin. I however only love him for Allah(S.W.T.). Please help. Jazakallah.


Maashaa Allah for your effort. May Allah Ta’ala make your path easy for you.

As far as your home environment, if there are no Ghayr Mahram men at home [otherwise confine this to your room], go out of your way to dress beautifully and alluringly for your husband with the niyyat of Ibaadah. Pants and top, hair loose, make up, jewellery, creams, anything to enhance your beauty. Also a loving and caring attitude, such warmth that your husband will melt.

When you leave your home, adorn with your outer garment / abaya and scarf ? with confidence and carry yourself confidently without complaining, but in a manner that makes him proud and happy. Your beauty and dressing for him alone will, Insha Allah, inspire a sense of possession. Make du’aa for him and your mother-in-law ? Insha Allah, their hearts will soften. When you have to go out with him, carry your Musalla and at such time read short Surahs to avoid problems ? of people waiting. Your positive attitude and du’aas being an example – Insha Allah, will inspire a change in them.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best


CHECKED & APPROVED: Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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