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Are your mates chosen for you before-hand or can we change that with dua?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I would just like to know what is destined for us and what is it that we can change. Like death is destined? But with regards to our spouses, can we change that with dua, or is the person we are suppose to marry chosen by Allah (swt) and no matter what we do or don’t do we’re gonna end up with them. I also wanted to get a reading on a istikhara. I did it for someone i thought i was gonna marry, but that person is having some confusing issues about us. I did it in halaal ways. I did istikhara and i felt the inclination was towards patience and sabr. The next day i had a dream, which had his parents coming over to my house for a proposal, I was told to wear white because it represents purity, and my mother made me go under the Quran before i went downstairs, and upon seeing me the guy’s mother loved me. A’H. I would like to know whether this dream was good or bad. and which type of the 3 it is from.


Taqdeer means the perfect and complete knowledge of Allah (Allah already
knew what a person would do before he does it). It does not mean that Allah
has not granted Human Beings a choice.

The Hadith wherein there is mention of dua changing Taqdeer is interpreted
in two ways.
1) If anything could change Taqdeer, it would be Dua.
2) Allah already knew that a person would make a certain Dua and based on
this Dua, Allah changed his original decree that would have taken effect had
he not made Dua. So in actual fact, his Dua has not changed Taqdeer because
Allah already knew of this dua.

Some things, however, are decreed by Allah in which a person has no choice.
Death and the time of death are of this category. In the case of marriage,
it is obvious that a person has a choice in whom he/she chooses as a spouse.

With regards to your dream, it seems to be a positive response to your
Istikhaarah. However, it is prudent to make enquiries about the intended
spouse and satisfy oneself with regards to their character before reading

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Bilaal Cassim

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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