Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » When we make sincere Tawbah then will those sins for which we make sincere Tawbah be included in the bad deeds at the day of Judgement?

When we make sincere Tawbah then will those sins for which we make sincere Tawbah be included in the bad deeds at the day of Judgement?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

question 12676 . 1) My Question is that when we make sincere Tawbah then will those sins for which we make sincere Tawbah be included in the bad deeds at the day of Judgement? What is the best way to make Tawbah? Any Mustahab Dua?s? and How would we know that our Tawbah has been accepted? Can one know that? 2) Wine is Haram as well as Music. Would both fall in the same category of sin or not? From Wine we can refrain but from music it is very difficult i.e. we don’t listen to music but around everywhere music is present? in the streets, mobile ring tones, Shops, Bus, Restaurants, Hotels etc. Are we committing sins of the level of drinking Wine? 3) I used to like Classical Music in fact still like a lot but now don’t listen it at all. Can I still listen to it without music? And If not then why because the music is not present with the voice? JazakAllah


1. When a person repents sincerely, his sins are forgiven. They will not be included in the bad deeds on the day of judgment. The best way to make tawbah is to make Wudhu, perform two Rakaats of Salaat al-Tawbah and beg Allah to forgive one’s sins. It is also advisable to give some charity thereafter. If one is certain to abstain from the sin in future and sincerely regrets the sin, that is an indication of the tawbah being accepted.

2. Music and wine are both prohibited and major sins. One should avoid places of music to the best of one’s ability. If one tried to avoid music and then heard music involuntarily, he will be excused. It is still advisable to make tawbah as Haraam entered one’s system.

3. Music without singing is still Haraam.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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