Is it permitted to condemn those who allow dancing during sufi gatherings as people such as Shaikh Izz Ad Din allowed it and the vast majority of the Shafi Fuqaha such as ibn Hajar and presently Sheikh Nuh keller. Please see:
It is permissible to condemn every action and group that goes contrary to the Shari?ah. A great Sufi, Imaam Abu Abdillah ibn al-Toobi al-Saqaly has said, ?Sufism is not wearing patched clothing and not by crying when singers sing and not by screaming and not by dancing. In fact, Sufism is that you follow the Haqq and Qur’aan. You must have fear for Allah, full of remorse for you sins at all times.?
In view of this, the real and true Sufi is the one who abstains from doubtful matters and copying / resembling the enemies of Islam. The act of dancing will in fact be copying from the Christians. Kindly forward us the reference for your claim that majority Shaafi?ee Fuqahaa, including Hadhrat ibn Hajar, gave permission for this act.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai