Please can you tell me what 3 days during the year it is forbidden to fast. I was making up my broken fast for ramazan, directly the day after Eid ul Fitr and one of my muslim friends said it is not allowed until 3 days have passed after eid. I know that this is not true – please can you provide me with a supporting hadith to say what 3 days we are unable to fast during the year? Also, I would like to know that if a woman does not marry throughout her life and does not commit illegal sexual intercourse with anyone, would she still marry in paradise as that is her wish?
If a single woman is unable to find a suitable spouse to support her in her faith but would like to have children – is it permissible for her to adopt? until she does find someone suitable?
According to Shariah, it is forbidden to fast on five days. They are: • Eid ul Fitr, • Eid ul Adha, • Three days of Tashreeq (i.e. three days after Eid ul Adha).
Rasulullah (Salalaahu Alayhi Wasalam) is reported to have said “Do not fast in these days (Eid) for they are days of eating, drinking and rejoicing”. (Tirmizi Hadith No. 773, Abu Dawood Hadith No. 2419)
And Allah Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai