The woman turned out to be grossly obese and, moreover, mentally obtuse ?child-like mentality. The marriage was reluctantly consummated as the bride insisted. The man stayed with her for a night or two. Understandably, the man was upset with bride’s family and ended the marriage. The dain mehr was relatively a good sum of amount. The man had all the intention to pay his future wife the agreed upon mehr. Under the circumstances, marriage made under total deception, is the man obliged to pay the mehr? Thank you for your response.
In the first place, the man should never have got married without seeing the girl. He also suffers the consequences of his risk. If he did not like her upon seeing her, he should never have slept with her.
Nevertheless, he has to pay the full Mahr to her as he consummated the marriage.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai